The Economy

1 minuteread

The Lobby Minecraft Server hopes to create a realistic economy that allows players the option to make money, at the  global shop (/shop) or by using chestshops

Currently there is two Currencies: $ and EXP Levels

$ is the base income of the minecraft server and can be earned by getting a job (/jobs) you can have up to 3 active jobs at once. you can pay players and receive money. but be careful as the more money you have the more chance you will get taxed (Read About Tax (Soon))  if you want a plot at spawn let one of the admins or moderators know and they can create you a plot of land. 

the economy is logged every day and you can see how its doing by viewing–w9x_g934grzXaVOKA-FqZf7PE84RQi/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111186667434641420299&rtpof=true&sd=true

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